Frecuently the handicapped people is named “disable people”, and they are discriminated for that, they are seen like strange people and rejected for to do some activities or to participate in some events.
It’s comun to see signs about access for they and in some cases we don’t respect them. We don’t have culture about this. There isn’t enough information about the kinds of disability, in fact some people don’t know nothing about this, and they think that it’s a disease, well in some case could say that it is, but not always.
A disability is a condition or function judged to be significantly impaired relative to the usual standar of an individual of their group. The term is often used to refer to individual functioning, including phisical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic disease.
We live in a society where your phisical appearance it’s very important and for that commonly we reject to who is diferent.
But it’s unlawful to discriminate against people in respect of their disabilities in relation to employment, the provision of goods and services, education, transport and access.
In the access point, the handicapped people don’t have many facilities and the few facilites that exist, are insufficient and in other cases they aren’t respected by capable people.
In the education point, it’s important that the goverment create mixed schools, where the handicapped childrens can integrate to our society and our children learn to see them like someone normal and to respect them.
The goverment should do something so that they can develop their abilities, in the sport, cultural activities and their everyday life.
They have demostrated that they can to be winners and successful people in many activities like sport and arts.
It’s important that we understand and know their needs, rights, posibilities and contributions of this person to the society.
The real disability is in the own minds, because maybe we have everything to have succes, but don’t use all our abilities in order to realize our dreams.
It’s important too, disseminate information about disable people’s life condition and promote a culture to respect them and finish with the obstacles that affect their life.
Many often we think that we have the ability to do anything, but is this real?, who determine the ability or disability to do something, I think that ourselves.
“For what I want legs if I have wings to fly” Frida kahlo
“Disability is ... The aptitude to be extraordinary”
“Disability is ... The aptitude to be extraordinary”
“I have both hands and both legs, and I can’t neither paint like painters without hands, nor to practice any sport, however there are those who do it in a wheelchair.
The thinking is, where is the real disability? Don’t use the gifts that we have been given or overcome enormous difficulties day by day?”
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